Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
4/27/02 | Oberhausen | 2 | B | 72min+68min |
BOOTLEG: Who Lives Outside The Law Has To be Honest; Quality: Very Good, Lineage: Original Silvers->EAC->SHN, Great Audience Recording, Enjoy it!, MOM
(a bittorrent from 11/09 is a close eac match on d1t2 with same plus more digital flaws like drops d2t1 0:28 and 1:11 and more discontinuities and square wav static; described as "Silver discs ...Eac. Dbpoweramp ...Flacs" with filenames like "Cd1\Track01.flac"; xref-00098);
(a bittorrent from 12/09 is same recording based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t9 and is simialr sound except with more hiss and also has wavs centered at -20db and has much more digital flaws like many occasional digi-pops and many small drops on d1t12; described as "No info about lineage and taper.excellent sound" with filenames like "Disc 1\Track01.flac"; xref-00110)
01 Humming Bird, 02 You're A Big Girl Now, 03 Desolation Row, 04 Don't Think Twice, It's Alright, 05 Watching The River Flow, 06 Positively 4th., Street, 07 Cry A While, 08 Subterranean Homesick Blues, 09 Tommorrow Is A Long Time, 10 Masters Of War, 11 Tangled Up In Blue,
01 Summer Days, 02 Every Grain Of Sand, 03 Drifter's Escape, 04 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat, 05 Things Have Changed, 06 Like A Rolling Stone, 07 If Dogs Run Free, 08 Honest With Me, 09 Blowin' In The Wind