Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
4/14/96 | New Haven, Connecticut, Palace Theater | 2 | A- | 61min+44min |
NET Taper A; Taper: My source indicated that this recording was taped by an individual I have, referred to as NET Taper A (though this label is entirely inappropriate, as it, turned out that the taper recorded long before the NET!). Such identifications of, course are always subject to mistakes., Source: lowgen audio disks> (Feurio) wav > (flacfrontend) flac.
(a bittorrent from 06/10 by chopen is same recording based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t1 with a little different levels and had nothing above 16k except lego parapets so has a lossy step; all flac files had flac decoding errors but would decode through the errors and result had flaws like a drop/cut d1t1 3:07 where 2 seconds is missing beyond the drop; there are about 150 of these plus lots of discontinuities; described with a generic info file and filenames like "01 Crash on the levee (Down in the flood).flac"; xref-00414);
(a bittorrent from 06/10 is similar lossy in spectral view to xref-00414 and is a close eac match for the first 10 or so seconds on d1t1 and d1t2 but does not have the drop outs of that one; it has the flaws of LB-3054 so seems like a lossy derived version of LB-3054; described as "Recorded by:Unknown, Source:Unknown, Trade DVD from Chopen (Before the Crash)" which indicates it should be that one before the flac files got errors in a hard drive crash and the filenames renamed; has filenames like "CD1_Track01.flac"; xref-00415);
(a bittorrent from 06/10 has matching md5 to xref-00415 with a generic info file and filenames like "d1\Track01.flac"; xref-00416)