Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
2/10/97 | Tokyo International Forum | 2 | A- | 61min+54min |
Lineage: FLAC disc I received in a trade
bittorrent download 10/05; excellent sound [A-]; not much above 16k except lego parapets (a bittorrent from 3/07 was a sort of close eac match described as "lineage is: cdr>eac>wav>traders little helper>flac level 6>bootcity torrent wizard>you; torrented by hkdave at Bootcity March 2007")
(a bittorrent from 02/11 is same recording with same wav and spectral view and levels with same digital flaws plus more discontinuities; described as "Unknown rec. Received in a trade as a Holy Grail recording., great sound" with filenames like "Disc1\01 of Bob Dylan - 1997-02-10 - Tokyo - CD1.flac"; xref-00708)
drop/cut between cdrs
Disc One:, 01. Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood), 02. If Not For You, 03. All Along The Watchtower, 04. Shelter From The Storm, 05. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, 06. Silvio, 07. O Babe It Ain't No Lie (acoustic) (, 1964 Elizabeth Cotten estate), 08. Tangled Up In Blue (acoustic), 09. Love Minus Zero/No Limit (acoustic), Disc Two:, 01. Stuck Inside of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again, 02. You're A Big Girl Now, 03. Highway 61 Revisited, (encore), 04. Like A Rolling Stone, 05. Girl From The North Country (acoustic), 06. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (with Dave Steward on guitar)
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Year 1997
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