Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
4/11/97 | Durham, New Hampshire, University Of New Hampshire | 2 | A- | 68min+54min |
version "b"; No Taper info, Net Taper A again???
bittorrent download 11/05; this is not the Net Taper A recording based on different crowd on Tambourine Man; this one sounds a little warmer and more natural sounding; same also goes for Unwanted Man recording; excellent sound [A-]; (a bittorrent from 10/07 has mattching flac fingerprint on d1t1 and matching md5 on d1t3; described as "dvd trade (flacs) NO INFO");
(a bittorrent from 06/09 is a close eac match on d1t1 with same digital flaws; described as "Source: audience recording, unknown taper and equipment, Lineage: trade CDRs > wav (EAC) > FLAC 6 (TLH) > HC, Sound Quality: excellent" with filenames like "Track 101.flac" )
digi-pop d1t3 3:10, d1t4 6:39, d1t6 0:53, d1t9 3:03, drop d1t9 0:57, 6:49. d2t5 7:13, 8:07; pop d1t9 4:29, 4:48, 5:45, 6:05, 6:17, 6:28, 6:48, 6:49, 7:32; a few more on d2; drop/cut between cdrs, end of d2t1
1 Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood), 2 Pretty Peggy-O, 3 All Along The Watchtower, 4 Queen Jane Approximately, 5 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, 6 Silvio, 7 Oh Baby It Ain't No Lie (acoustic w band), 8 Mr. Tambourine Man (acoustic w band), 9 Boots Of Spanish Leather (acoustic w band), 1 Seeing The Real You At Last, 2 When I Paint My Masterpiece, 3 Everything Is Broken, 4 Lenny Bruce, 5 Knockin' On Heaven's Door (acoustic w band), 6 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
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