Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
10/13/02 | South Lake Tahoe | 1 | A- | 7min |
late show, 1 song;, I know that this torrent might piss some people off but I have to post this., The story goes like this. My brother and I went to the second concert (late show) of Bob Dylan at Harrahs in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada on 10-13-02. We set up to record the entire show with my brothers expensive audio recording equipment. As the night went on and the show played for over 90 mins we had to change the cartridge out. When we did this we forgot to save the file and lost the whole show other than this song. I remember crying about how we lost the show. To this day it was the best concert that I ever saw. The audio quality of this performance is phenomenal. If nothing else maybe someone can use this recording on some sort of Dylan compilation. The file has never been anything other than a wav. file until now., Please enjoy!, bYtEsMaCk & The Jolly Roger