LosslessBob LB-3650
1/23/74Memphis Tn, Mid-South Coliseum2B-55min+63min

version "b"; Audience Recording, CDA>WAVELAB>FLAC

bittorrent download 03/06; has tv band except on d1t1 to d1t3 which is harsher and lesser fidelity; similar to LB-0201 except tv band not as strong and high end not as bright giving it less hiss; midrange is not as strong either making it warmer and less harsh so sounds more natural and better; in comparison to LB-3469 this one is warmer and more natural sounding with about same amount of hss
abrupt start on d1t1; drop/cut between cdrs; end of d1t4, d1t13. brginning of d2t9

Most Likely You Go Your Way, Lay Lady Lay, Tom Thumbs Blues, Rainy Day Women, It Aint Me Babe, Ballad of a Thin Man, Stage Fright, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, Goin To Memphis, When You Awake, I Shall Be Released, Cripple Creek, All Along The Watchtower, Ballad of Hollis Brown, Knockin on Heavens Door,


The Times They Are a Changin, Dont Think Twice, Fourth Time Around, Gates of Eden, Just Like a Women, Its Alright Ma, Rag Mama Rag, This Wheels on Fire, The Shape Im In, The Weight, Forever Young, Something There is About You, Like a Rolling Stone

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Year 1974
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