Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
12/16/95 | Electric Factory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 2 | A | 71min+45min |
Lineage: Trade CDRs > EAC (no errors) > hdd > FA & SA (full spectrum over 20K) > flac, Excellent audience recording by unknown taper, A, quality. D1T10, Dark Eyes, is, with Patti Smith., This recording is the source of the audio for the excellent sound upgrade by my friend Yassou, registered as DVDylan, See, Artwork by Tynstra is included, but the disc splits here are different.
(a bittorrent from 09/11 is same recording based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t1 but appears to have cassette generation in it giving more hiss; described as "Very good quality audience recording from CDRs received in trade >TLH flac 8, One slight problem - Split in Down in the Flood to remove digital/ jack plug problems" with filenames like "01 Down in the Flood (cut in middle).flac"; xref-00882)