bittorrent download 03/07; reel problems on d2t4 before cuts; in comparison to LB-4271 this is same recording based on same crowd at begin of d1t1; this has more hiss, scratchiness in vocals, and harshness but is less muffled making it better sounding; very good sound [B]drop/cut between cdrsdisc 1, 1. Mr. Tambourine Man, 2. Tangled Up In Blue, 3. Vincent van Gogh (Robert Friemark), 4. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, 5. Maggie's Farm, 6. One Too Many Mornings, 7. Seven Days, 8. Railroad Boy (trad.), 9. Wild Mountain Thyme (trad.), 10. Blowin' In The Wind, 11. Shelter From The Storm, 12. I Threw It All Away, 13. Isis (Bob Dylan, Jacques Levy/Bob Dylan), 14. Going, Going, Gone, 15. Romance In Durango (Bob Dylan, Jacques Levy/Bob Dylan), disc 2, 1. Lay Lady Lay, 2. Idiot Wind, 3. Knockin' On Heaven's Door, 4. Gotta Travel On (Paul Clayton-Larry Ehrlich-David Lazar-Tom Six)
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