Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
4/8/99 | Oporto, Portugal, Coliseu do Porto | 2 | B+ | 67min+37min |
version "c"; Total running time: 50:55 - 51:42, , I got this as audio discs from a trader friend - a completist - who did not remember, where he got it, and with no info on source (taper, equipment etc)., It's a good stereo audience recording, obviously on analog tape - quite a bit of tape hiss!, Warm, full sound. A little bassy. No obvious flaws - only a 1 sec dropout or loss of volume, 20 sec into Tough Mama., Distribution of songs between the CD's fits the description of Moose Productions CD-R, as described here:,, but I do not know if it's based on the same tape source. Individual track lengths does, not fit the description, so it's obviously not the same record. Neither does it fit the, description of the Schubert remaster., There is a description of an analog tape source with considerable hiss,, but the descibed cut of the last seconds of Just Like A Woman and first seconds of Tough Mama, is not identified. My guess is - however - that it is the same source., I have copied the artwork from the Moose Productions (fan project) - as songs distributions between, discs fits - but it's not the same record!, Enjoy the music!,Torbjorn