Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
9/19/88 | Charlottesville, Virginia, University Hall | 1 | B- | 75min |
version "b"; Unknown Audience>CDR>EAC>FLAC LEVEL 8
bittorrent download 04/07; same recording as LB-0293 based on someone says "can I look through your binoculars" at t13 1:4x; in comparison this one has much more midrange high end resulting in making Bob less muffled but harsher with more hiss; this runs faster and is missing 4 minutes of crowd before t13 (did not listen to all of this); (a bittorrent from 10/09 is a close eac match on t1 with same digital flaws; described as "Unknown origin.Has the same fingerprints described for other circulating shows:someone says "can I look through your binoculars" at t13 1:40; Good sound" with filenames like "01. Track 1.flac"; xref-00042)
(a bittorrent from 07/12 has same wav and spectral view and levels with fixed digital flaws; described as "Lineage: CDr trade > EAC > WAV > Wave Repair 4.9.3 fixing of index clicks between all tracks + other minor clicks across." with filenames like "Track 01.flac"; xref-01105)
drops between tracks
1 Subterranean Homesick Blues, 2 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue, 3 John Brown, 4 Shelter From The Storm, 5 Ballad Of A Thin Man, 6 Highway 61 Revisited, 7 One Too Many Mornings, 8 To Ramona, 9 Boots Of Spanish Leather, 10 Silvio (Bob Dylan & Robert Hunter), 11 In The Garden, 12 Like A Rolling Stone, 13 Blowin' In The Wind, 14 Barbara Allen (trad.), 15 I Shall Be Released, 16 All Along The Watchtower
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Year 1988
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