LosslessBob LB-4783
10/12/95Dothan, AL, Dothan Civic Center2A63min+51min

version "a"; trade CDR -> EAC secure -> flac level 6 -> HC -> you, This recording doesn't have the digipop described by LB-2146, so it's hard to tell if the two are from the same recording., The sound is a little distant, but the quality is good -> excellent., Jeffy

bittorrent download 04/07; same recording as LB-2146 with similar wav and spectral view except this has lower levels, does not clip like that one, and the noted flaws on that one were not on this one; (did not listen to all of this);

(a bittorrent from 05/07 was same recording with similar wav and spectral views described as "NOTE: Recently I've been advised not to be so easy on the LB-0000number ...")

(a bittorrent from 12/14 is same recording based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t7 with wavs inverted and channels swapped and is more muffled with more hiss; included in lk 95 set and described as "My Low gen tape > Tascam 102 > Cool Edit Pro > CD Wave Editor > TLH, * New to circulation *" with filenames like "bd1995-10-12 Dothan01.flac"; xref-01535)

drops between tracks; discontinuity pop d2t3 5:10, 5:23 plus more

1. Drifter's Escape, 2. If Not For You, 3. All Along the Watchtower, 4. I Believe In You, 5. Watching The River Flow, 6. Silvio, 7. Mr. Tambourine Man, 8. Masters of War, 9. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right,


10. God Knows, 11. She Belongs To Me, 12. Highway 61 Revisited, 13. Knockin' On Heaven's Door, 14. One Too Many Mornings, 15. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35

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