Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
6/14/81 | Columbia, Maryland, Merriweather Post Pavilion | 2 | A- | 64min+58min |
version "b"; In honor of Bob's fifth appearance at Merriweather Post, Columbia, Maryland, coming up in two, weeks, and the start of a new tour tonight, I am torrenting a major upgrade (over either existing, LB version) of Bob's first Merriweather Post appearance in the summer of 1981, with significant, Audacity cleanup as well. Excellent sound for a 1981 AUD recording, especially on Disc 2, A-, quality. Lots of great Bobtalk to: my favorite, I was country before it was cool. I was a whole, lot of things before it was cool., 4th show of the year 1981; 4th Shot Of Love Tour show, LINEAGE: Trade CDRs > EAC > Audacity > flac level 8 (align on sector boundaries) >, maketorret, NOTES: This is a complete recording of an excellent First Shot Of Love Tour show, including, all of the, girls' songs., Fourth ever Dead Man, Dead Man, fourth ever Lenny Bruce, fourth ever, Watered Down Love., There is no similar version on LB. Neither LB has the girls' songs. LB-76 is also missing, Regina McCreary's Till I Get It Right., The recording has three flaws, and the CDRs I received had a few others., The recording's flaws: (1) the start of the first gospel singers' song is clipped by a few seconds;, (2) the start of Simple Twist Of Fate is clipped by about four seconds, perhaps by a tape flip; and, (3) the transition between D2T6 and D2T7 is clipped, perhaps by a tape flip, but no music is, missing. Both LB versions mention that there is a cut at D1T6 (though on LB-901 that points to, the wrong song)., The CDRs flaws have almost all been carefully fixed in Audacity. LB-76 also notes the, problems in Watered Down Love and In The Garden, leading me to believe that this recording, and the LB-76 recording may have the same source. LB-901 also notes the Watered Down Love, issue., 1. D2T6 (Watered Down Love): (a) three second intermittency in right track at 4:25 fixed by, making those three seconds mono from the left track; (b) 0.25 second intermittency at 4:28, fixed, the same way; (c) very very minor intermittency in right channel at 4:35-37 not fixed., 2. D2T7 (Just Like A Woman): four loud clicks/pops removed/mitigated at 1:03.06, 1:31.57;, 1:40.79; and 2:23.12., 3. D2T10 (In The Garden): major drop-out in right channel at 4:44 to 5:22; dropped out /, became intermittent again at 5:47 during Band Intros, to end of track; both fixed by mono, substitutions from left channel., 4. D2T11 (Blowin' in the Wind): still very slight intermittency at 0:07.8 - 0:08.5, and at 5:04-, 5:05 during cheering, decided not to repair give brevity.
(a bittorrent from 02/10 as part of the lk series has matching flac fingerprints; described as "File names & tags edited by Chopen, November 2009" with filenames like "01 Come on in this house.flac"; xref-00159)