Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
7/30/84 | Dylan on Dylan | 2 | A | 69min+79min |
version "b"; Lineage: LP -> Tascam CD-RW750 -> EAC/FLAC, This is the 5 LP version of the Westwood One radio show from 1984. I've edited out the commercials, and made all the interview segments their own tracks for easy access. I think you will really enjoy this show. Dylan had some very quotable things to say. Thanks to the staff for letting me upload this.
bittorrent download 12/07; in comparison to LB-2589 that one is not as clear and has occasional light fm background static; (did not listen to all of this); (a bittorrent from 06/08 has more hiss and less fidelity; described as "(HS)TDK-SA 90 Tapes Dolby off. Pioneer CT 449 Dolby off., Nero Wave Editor. Steinberg(s).; may 2008, with compliments Howlin' Husky" tracked 16/13 74.22/73.29 with filenames like "Disc 1 Westwood One\01 announcement by George Talylor Morris.flac"; xref-00025);
(a bittorrent from 11/09 matches most md5s except for d1t15, d2t8, d2t24; described the same except this is "uploaded again" with filenames like "Dylan_on_Dylan_Disc02_Track24.flac"; xref-00083); excellent sound [A]
drops between many tracks
Disc 1, 1. Introduction, 2. Interview - early styles/influences, 3. Talkin' New York Blues, 4. Interview - Caf, Wha/Fred Neil, 5. Blowin' In The Wind, 6. Interview - performing own songs, 7. Song To Woody, 8. Interview - songwriting, 9. The Times They Are A-Changin', 10. Interview - songwriting, 11. Masters Of War, 12. Interview - songwriting, 13. All I Really Want To Do, 14. Interview - Ed Sullivan show, 15. Maggie's Farm, 16. Interview - record company executives, 17. Subterranean Homesick Blues, 18. Interview - record executives/pop music, 19. Positively 4th Street, 20. Interview - people's opinions, 21. Like A Rolling Stone, 22. Interview - recording, 23. Just Like A Woman, 24. Promo #1, 25. Promo #2, Disc 2, 1. Interview - old fashioned, 2. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35, 3. Interview - songwriters, 4. All Along The Watchtower, 5. Interview - painting, 6. Lay Lady Lay, 7. Interview - happiness, 8. It's Alright, Ma, 9. Interview - touring ain't easy, 10. Tangled Up In Blue, 11. Interview - expectations, 12. Gotta Serve Somebody, 13. Interview - making videos, 14. Jokerman, 15. Interview - touring, 16. Most Likely You Go Your Way (live), 17. Interview - playing live, 18. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (live), 19. Interview - Om Khalsoum, 20. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (live), 21. Interview - contentment, 22. Like A Rolling Stone (live), 23. Interview - playing live, 24. Blowin' In The Wind (live)
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