Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
9/16/88 | Columbia, SC | 1 | B+ | 73min |
Lineage: Sony TC-D5M->Senn ME80s->Master Cassette, Transfer: Sony TC-D5M->WaveTerminal U2A->USB->PC->CDWAVE->WAV->MkwV097.B1->SHN, Note: Its either the end of the crowd from BOSL or the beginning of Dont Think Twice there was some weird 1, second or so place where the tape floyded out. Its on the Master so I left it in. If someone wants to fix it, up and reseed, you have my blessing. It is a great show and great quality but that is the only flaw outside of the, tape flip. Enjoy., Location: Floor Center Sec Row 9 DFC
bittorrent download 05/08; heavy tv band on d1t4; different recording than pl LB-2591 based on different ctrowd at end of d1t4; in comparison this has a warmer sound; very good to excellent sound [B+]
1. Subterranean Homesick Blues, 2. I'll Remember You, 3. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again, 4. You're A Big Girl Now, 5. Shelter From The Storm, 6. Highway 61 Revisited, 7. To Ramona(A), 8. Boots Of Spanish Leather(A), 9. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right(A), -Tape Flip-, 10. I Shall Be Released, 11. Silvio (Bob Dylan & Robert Hunter), 12. Like A Rolling Stone, Encores:, 13. The Times They Are A-Changin', 14. Give My Love To Rose (Johnny Cash), 15. Maggie's Farm
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Year 1988
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