Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
11/4/61 | New York, NY, Carnegie Chapter Hall | 1 | A- | 78min |
version "c"; mp3 (LB-6088) > switch sound file converter > wav > flac; Said to have been recorded/compiled from Izzy Young's radio broadcast(s)., These are lossy mp3 files. I'm providing these files as uploaded to an insecure filesharing host recently, then announced at Expecting Rain. Because about half the tracks aren't known to circulate in any other form, the HC folks have authorized me to upload this torrent as is, in lossy form. The first seven tracks have circulated, apparently from a different (possibly superior) source in lossless form, and a non- broadcast-sourced, apparently remastered recording of the track 12 performance was released on Bootleg 7., The tracklist differs from the standard report, several tracks missing, one previously unreported song included. I really haven't had the opportunity to fully verify this recording, but I want to get it into more general circulation so that people don't go to sendspace for it, since sendspace has proved to be a source of virus/spyware/adware/malware infections through its insecure advertising banners and popups; so that the recording can be more freely circulated before the almost inevitable commercial boot appears; in hopes that someone can provide more reliable information about this fileset than is now available, and in the faint hope that someone will render this torrent obsolete by freeing the complete lossless recording.