LosslessBob LB-6318
10/28/97Athens, Georgia2B-72min+35min

version "a"; Lineage: Trade CDRs > EAC (no errors) > frequency and spectrum check (full spectrum and, frequency, levels appear raised to 100%) > flac (level 6, align on sector boundaries) > torrent, Does not appear to have the cut/drop after Stone Walls / before Tangled Up In Blue noted by, Heinrich on his NTK HC torrent, Excellent sound, loud and clear; some clipping.

bittorrent download 07/08; different recording than LB-6314 based on different crowd at end of d1t9; in comparison this is very harsh and tinny with less full sound; has lots of clipping (did not listen to all of this)

(a bittorrent from 06/11 is a not very close eac match on d1t1 with less drops between tracks and has a little less of the same digital flaws but still a lot of them; described with a generic info file with filenames like "10-28-97 Athens shn disk 1\Track01-fixed.shn"; xref-00834)

drops between tracks; lots of drops on d1t1, d2t1, d1t9 1:12, 1:15, lots of discontinuities
Disc One, 71:14, 1. Maggie's Farm, 2. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You, 3. Cold Irons Bound, 4. Tears Of Rage, 5. Can't Wait, 6. Silvio, 7. Stone Walls And Steel Bars, 8. Tangled Up In Blue, 9. Mr. Tambourine Man, 10. Friend Of The Devil, 11., Til I Fell In Love With You, Disc Two, 33:56, 1. Highway 61 Revisited, ---, 2. Like A Rolling Stone, 3. Forever Young, 4. Love Sick, 5. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
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