Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
7/10/87 | JFK, Philadelphia | 1 | B+ |
BOOTLEG: I'll be Your Robert Today; cd > ultraplex > eac > wav > flac; Genschman GENSCH 1014 CD; 7/12/87
(a bittorrent from 07/16 has matching flac fingerprints; described as "'The Ballad Of Bob & Jerry', Stortebeker CD 02, SBD, Lineage : Silver > EAC (Secure) > WAV > TLH (Verify, then flac8) > Zomb" and "EAC Log, ffp, md5 included, Uploaded to Zomb July 2016" with filenames like "01 - Tangled Up In Blue.flac"; xref-01737)