Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
5/4/80 | Syracuse, New York | 2 | B | 58min+47min |
version "a"; cut in Slow Train, before Pressing On, ?? -> cassette master -> DAT - clone -> (digital transfer) m-audio delta audiophile 2496, -> Wavelab -> ssrc -> Wavelab, levels raised -> cdwave for tracking -> tlh, I did not harm the sound of the recording in any way;NO TORRENT
from collection of LTE but not taped by him; same recording as LB-0358 with sort of similar wav and spectral view except this has higher levels; this did not have the flaws noted on that ones d1t1; very good sound [B]; (a bittorrent from 12/09 included this as part of the lk 80 series )
analog drop d1t8 0:516; rustling noise d1t10 1:5x; light static or distortion at beginning of d2t4 like at 0:31 also on LB-358; drop/cut/fade not in music d2t7 8:09
1 Gotta Serve Somebody, 2 I Believe In You, 3 When You Gonna Wake Up, 4 Ain't Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody, 5 Cover Down, Break Through, 6 Precious Angel, 7 Man Gave Names To All The Animals, 8 Slow Train, 9 Mona Lisa Young: Stranger In The City (Healing) (?), 10 Mary Elizabeth Bridges: Walk Around Heaven All Day (Rev. James Cleveland/Cassietta George), 1 Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others), 2 Solid Rock, 3 Saving Grace, 4 Saved (Bob Dylan/Tim Drummond), 5 What Can I Do For You?, 6 In The Garden, 7 Are You Ready?, 8 Pressing On, Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar)
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Year 1980
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