Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
8/28/90 | Merrillville, Indiana | 2 | A- | 55min+31min |
version "a"; Lineage: CD-R received in trade -> flac with EAC -> TLH -> TUIT
bittorrent download 01/09; has spectral bands every 1k; same recording as LB-0528 based on same clapping wavs at beginning of d1t3; this has similar wav and spectral view except levels a little lower so clips less; (did not listen to all of this)
has drops at beginning of tracks (not on LB-528); has som e discontnuities
CD I:, Introduction, To Be Alone With You (with harp), Positively 4th Street, All Along The Watchtower, Silvio (Bob Dylan/Robert Hunter) (with harp), Tears Of Rage (Bob Dylan/Richard Manuel) (with harp), Gotta Serve Somebody, @ Song To Woody (with harp), @ It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (with harp), @ Mr. Tambourine Man (with harp), @ The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (with harp), Rainy Day Women #12 & 35, CD II:, I've Been All Around This World (Trad.), It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry, Stand By Me (Ernest Tubb), I Shall Be Released, Like A Rolling Stone, @ Barbara Allen (Trad.) (with harp), Highway 61 Revisited (G. E. Smith on electric guitar), Only known performance of Stand By Me. Steve Bruton is playing guitar on a "live-on-stage-audition"., Excellent sound.
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Year 1990
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