LosslessBob LB-7232
4/19/97West Hartford, CT2A-78min+25min

Taped: NAK CM300>DAT @ 44.1, Location: SBD, 80 feet, Transfer: DAT>clone>DAT>cdwav>FLAC16, Notes: This was my froshman year of college and my dorm room was directly across, the street from the Gym. We watched them load in from our dorm room window as we slowly, got ready for the show. There was some fungus amung us! I came across this DAT 2 years, after from some random taper. The mic info is all he wrote on the DAT when he gave it to me.

bittorrent download 01/09;very close to mono; cdr splits not specified; different recording than hg LB-1895 and bootleg LB-3110 based on different crowd at end of dont think twice; in comparison bootleg LB-3110 has least harsh fullest sound, this is more distant, hg LB-1895 has least full harshest sound; excellent sound [A-]
has some clipping; square wav static t13 6:36 (end of leopard skin pillbox hat after the music)

Setlist:, NFA, I Want You, Watchtower, You Aint Going Nowhere, Watching the River Flow, Silvio, Roving Gambler @, Masters of War @, Tangled Up In Blue @, Seeing the Real You At Last, This Wheels On Fire, Leopard Skin Pill Box,


Encores:, I Shall Be Released, Don't Think Twice @, Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35

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Year 1997
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