Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
7/3/90 | Hamburg, Germany | 2 | B+ | 49min+50min |
version "c"; Taper: unidentified, Source/Lineage: no info, Uploader's note:, Listened to all of this..., A few major statics/digi-pops were removed from d01t09 and d02t18., d01t09 had an abrupt end, hence it ends CD1., First part of d02t15 repeated some 5 seconds of the previous track (d02t14), now the two are seemlessly merged (now inaudible) and split., All tracks aligned on sector boundaries., When compared to LB-1253 this set has a different tracking,
bittorrent download 04/09; not much above 15k except lego parapets; same recording as LB-1253 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t1; has similar levels and spectral view with different flaws; (did not listen to all of this)
drop 08 It's all over now, baby blue 5:51, 09 Desolation Row 5:59, 18 Like a rolling stone 6:21; vert 03 Stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis blues again 4:48, 09 Desolation Row 2:12, 14 Political world 1:31
01. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) [04:55], 02. Ballad Of A Thin Man [04:47], 03. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again [06:42], 04. I Believe In You [04:52], 05. Masters Of War [04:42], 06. Gotta Serve Somebody [04:55], 07. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) [05:28], 08. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [05:51], 09. Desolation Row [06:00], Total time [48:14], 10. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll [06:26], 11. It Ain't Me, Babe [05:44], 12. Everything Is Broken [03:28], 13. No More One More Time (Troy Seals-Dave Kirby) [04:23], 14. Political World [03:55], 15. Old Rock & Roller (Daniels-Gavin-Hayward-DiGregorio) [04:02], 16. All Along The Watchtower [02:46], 17. I Shall Be Released [03:38], 18. Like A Rolling Stone [06:21], 19. Blowin' In The Wind [04:03], 20. Highway 61 Revisited [04:48], Total time [49:38]
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