LosslessBob LB-7427
8/31/97Kansas City, Missouri2A47min+49min

version "a"; Taper: unidentified, Source/Lineage: from DAT Master, Listened to all of this, Definitely a *DAT recording*, See this image: http://jokerman.org.uk/lb/lbjpg/lb_dat_spectral_view.JPG, *** This set is based on the same recording as LB-2011 ***, In contrast with above LB #, this set is tracked anew to create a more natural flow., TOTAL tracking times on both discs match LB-2011., This audio is provided for a video project., Note, especially to the requester: Guessingly, someone prior corrected an obvious more disturbing *discontinuity pop* in d1t1 ...Marie 00:44; unfortunately, the damage done was un-fixable at my hand. Left as was. Sound not changed in any way!, No other flaws that may disturb video synchronization were detected., Good luck with the project!, Note to the audio audience:, On CD2 > 2x *audience waits* were split, now seamlessly spliced into one., Sector boundaries alignment enforced., Full spectrum, well above 20kHz.

bittorrent download 04/09; this is a close eac match on d1t1 to LB-2011; this has the flaw noted on d1t2 0:40 while that has a louder mic hit not on that one but which can be fixed by carefully overlaying left channel with right channel; (did not listen to all of this)
discontinuity skip d1t2 0:40; drop/cut between cdrs
00. Announcement [00:46], 01. Absolutely Sweet Marie [04:44], 02. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry [06:15], 03. Tough Mama [04:36], 04. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere [04:16], 05. Silvio (Bob Dylan & Robert Hunter) [07:18], 06. Stone Walls And Steel Bars (Ray Pennington / Ray Marcum) [03:15], 07. Mr. Tambourine Man [07:49], 08. Tangled Up In Blue [07:57], Total time [47:00], 09. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again [07:14], 10. Tears Of Rage (Bob Dylan & Richard Manuel) [06:35], 11. (band intro) [00:34], 11. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat [05:29], 12. (audience wait) [02:45], 12. Like A Rolling Stone [08:26], 13. (audience wait) [02:23], 13. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right [06:16], 14. (audience wait) [02:29], 14. Highway 61 Revisited [06:42], Total time [48:57]
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