Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
11/11/95 | Las Vegas, Nevada | 2 | B | 60min+51min |
version "b"; Taper: unidentified, Source/Lineage: no info, *** This is based on the same recording as LB-0115 ***, Uploader's note:, Listened to all of this..., All visibly detected digi-pops removed but the non-visible ones (not too many) still remain, as they're much harder to get rid of, without the risk of also removing sound samples. The one digi-pop mentioned in LB-115, d2t2 at 2:50 is "smoothened", now not audible. Total tracking time differs from LB-0115 with 8 seconds, but most probably it's the same source. d1t7 had "square wav static" in two places, now removed with no significant trace (this happens when a dat has errors on playback. Sometimes if it is noticed, it may play correctly on a subsequent try.), All tracks aligned on sector boundaries., No boosting, no change of soundscape., LB rating: B, Spectrum: > 20kHz
bittorrent download 04/09; same recording as LB-0115 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t1; this seems to have levels raised so clips, was compressed; this has lots of square wav static, digi-pops, and discontinuities not on that on; (did not listen to all of this)
01. Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood) [05:13], 02. If You See Her, Say Hello [07:05], 03. All Along The Watchtower [06:18], 04. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) [07:57], 05. West L.A. Fadeaway (Robert Hunter/Jerry Garcia) [08:46], 06. Silvio (Bob Dylan & Robert Hunter) [07:59], 07. Tangled Up In Blue [10:22], 08. Masters Of War [05:49], Total time [59:33], 09. To Ramona [07:00], 10. Tombstone Blues [07:07], 11. It's Too Late (Chuck Willis) [07:10], 12. Highway 61 Revisited [08:11], 13. Alabama Getaway (Robert Hunter/Jerry Garcia) [06:24], 14. Girl From The North Country [09:04], 15. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 [05:24], Total time [50:23]
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