Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
2/14/97 | Fukuoka, Japan | 2 | A | 58min+62min |
version "b"; Taper & Equipment: unknown, Lineage: trade CDRs > wav (EAC) > FLAC (TLH) > HC, Sound Quality: excellent, Note: At present, this recording does not match anything listed on LosslessBob., (Uploaded by mjs820 on June 13, 2009)
(a download from 10/20 posted 10/26/16 at expectingrain is same recording based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t2 with similar wav and spectral view except that is at 48k and has levels raised so clips a lot; described as " From an old DAT (received in trade, 1997-05-23). This is probably from the same source as one of the LB tapes, but I haven't heard them so just guessing.... (This is a very saturated tape.), TRANSFER DATE: 2016-10-26, WHAT I DID: DAT > WAV > Sound Forge (split into tracks) > FLAC > MP3tag (tagging), WHAT I DID NOT DO: resample the files (they remain @ 48 khz, just as on the original DAT, so you will have to convert them yourself in order to burn to CD)., All thanks to the original taper, and to the person who sent me the DAT." with filenames like "1997-02-14 - Fukuoka, Japan (2016-10-26 DAT transfer)\01 Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood).flac"; xref-02007)