LosslessBob LB-7651
11/2/97Columbia, South Carolina2A62min+43min

pdub, sonics ? -> portable DATrecorder -> DAT - clone -> (digital transfer) m-audio delta audiophile 2496, -> Wavelab -> ssrc -> Wavelab, levels raised -> cdwave, tracking -> tlh, I did not harm the sound of the recording in any way

bittorrent download 06/09; same recording as PW LB-3226 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t2 with similar wav and spectral view except levels are different and that has high end streaking in spectral view like it was transferred through a consumer soundcard; that has more digital flaws; excellent sound [A]
1 intro, 2 Maggie's Farm, 3 Pretty Peggy-O (trad.), 4 Cold Irons Bound, 5 Born In Time, 6 Can't Wait, 7 Silvio (Bob Dylan & Robert Hunter), 8 Stone Walls And Steel Bars (Ray Pennington / Ray Marcum), 9 Tangled Up In Blue, 10 Tomorrow Is A Long Time, 11 Friend Of The Devil (Jerry Garcia - Robert Hunter - John Dawson), 1 Make You Feel My Love, 2, Til I Fell In Love With You, 3 Like A Rolling Stone, 4 band introduction, 5 My Back Pages, 6 Love Sick, 7 Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
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