Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
8/6/88 | Carlsbad, California | 1 | B | 74min |
version "b"; received in a trade. No info about lineage and taper, Good sound
bittorrent download 09/09; not much above 10k except an intermittent tv band on the early tracks; looks like noise reduction applied; same recording as gd LB-4730 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t1; this does not have the hiss but the sound is not as full or natural; (did not listen to all of this)
drop t10 0:00, t13 5:50
1 Subterranean Homesick Blues 2 Absolutely Sweet Marie 3 Masters Of War 4 Shelter From The Storm 5 I'll Be Your Baby Tonight 6 Highway 61 Revisited 7 Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (acoustic) 8 Knockin' On Heaven's Door (acoustic) 9 Trail Of The Buffalo (acoustic) 10 Girl From The North Country (acoustic) 11 I Shall Be Released 12 Silvio 13 Like A Rolling Stone 14 We Three (My Echo, My Shadow And Me) (acoustic) 15 Blowin' In The Wind (acoustic) 16 Maggie's Farm
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Year 1988
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