Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
1/12/90 | Toad's Place, New Haven, Ct. | 4 | B+ | 55min+41min+70min+80min |
version "f"; fifty states, fifty songs, runtime: 244:49 (minutes/seconds), trade cassette (may be a 1st gen.? not sure) >, played on Nak. 125 into soundforge (wav ) >, CD > CD extractor (wav, sbe gaps manually removed) >, flac (sb's aligned) > torrentially yours., a this and that and those and these production., Do not sell this recording., Share freely, losslessly and gaplessly., comments:, I am far from an authority of all things Bob Dylan, but this is, the longest Bob Dylan concert I've ever heard of. it must have been, around the time "apolitical blues" was a hit, since he played it, 3 times in this show. I think that's the only repeated song in here., not sure what the occasion was, but it was basically let's open up my, playbook day in New Haven for Bob. he even threw in a few oddball songs, in this show, like Dancin' in the Dark (Springsteen) and an even bigger, than usual pile of his hits from the 60's and 70's. if you're a fan of Bob, even just marginally, this may be a nice starting point. there really were, 4 sets in this show, all on this one day, with breaks of about an hour or, so between each one. I know alot of these songs are probably "regulars" for, a Dylan concert but there's a few not so commonly heard in more recent times., Bob Dylan's singing has never been something I listen to alot, although it's, impossible to deny that he is one of the most important songwriters of my lifetime., knowing that many people enjoy his music and have for well over 45 years (as of, this 2010 posting), I think some folks would be glad to hear this show. I think, this comes from the collection of fzmoi69, and it's a pretty enjoyable recording., I only noticed 1 cut song in it. (track 18, in the 2nd set.) I've numbered it 1-50, like it's all one concert because this was all like one concert, (may even have had, just 1 admission charge for all 4 sets?), but since there are 4 sets and about 4 hours, or so of music (it's all music, not much talk at all) I've put it in 4 folders and, recommend using 4 discs for it. don't know if Bob planned to play one song for every, state in the U.S.A. on this day, I think it just worked out that way. (and he still, left out well over half his playlist. Bob has a very long playlist over his 45 years +, of songwriting and performing.)
(comment from taper "There where two of us taping when the show ran so long I got someone to get out of the club which was on lockdown by using a medical reason and he got me the extra tape and when that was not enough I made a pact with the other taper (because he ran out of tape also ) that I would record over my first couple of songs and get the encore and we would get together so I could get his begining and make a complete show.You can all go over this athousand times but we where next to each other both with good equiptment so both recodings are vitualy the same.")