Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
11/17/02 | Hartford, Connecticut | 2 | A | 75min+61min |
Taper: Bt, DPA 4061 microphones and Sony TCD-100 DAT recorder, Original Master DAT > GINA24 digital sound card > PC (Audacity) > CD Wave > FLAC, MD5 created by MD5summer. Transferred from DAT in May 2010., This particular recording likely has not circulated until now. Unique marker: at end of Girl of the North Country track a man says "no smoking cigarettes"., This recording was not edited, except to cut off excess at the beginning and end, and to amplify the volume., Track 14 "This Old Man" is just Bob singing the line from that song, "this old man came rolling home..." :-), This is not LB-767 (because no "brief talking at beginning" of I'll Be Your Baby Tonight)
bittorrent download 05/10; cdr splits not specified; in 4-way comparison these are different recordings based on different crowd at end of d1t2; this is the most natural fullest sounding; cedar 4 LB-0767 was more echoey and bassy; LB-0785 was more suppressed; cedar 2 LB-1376 was very similar in sound; excellent sound [A]
1. Intro, 2. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum, 3. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, 4. Tombstone Blues, 5. Carrying A Torch, 6. Things Have Changed, 7. Brown Sugar, 8. Girl Of The North Country, 9. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), 10. My Back Pages, 11. The Wicked Messenger, 12. Shelter From The Storm, 13. Old Man, 14. This Old Man, 15. Honest With Me, 16. Visions Of Johanna, 17. High Water (For Charley Patton), 18. Mutineer, 19. Floater (Too Much To Ask), 20. Summer Days, 21. Encore, 22. Blowin' In The Wind, 23. Band Intro, 24. All Along The Watchtower
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