Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
2/13/91 | London, England | 2 | B+ | 47min+41min |
version "c", Good quality audience tape., Xfered from cassette >DR07 >WAV > audio cleaning labe, volume, fades, track marks, slight dampening of hiss and rumble, > TLH > Flac 8
bittorrent download 02/11; nothing above 19k and has lego parapets; has tv band; in 4-way comparison these are different recordings based on different crowd at end of d1t5; this has the fullest sound but sounds slow on t9 and has more hiss in it than LTB LB-1939 which is next fullest sound but not as warm as this, and then LB-0776; and then jtt LB-0000 4212 is most distant; (did not listen to all of this)
CD11. Tangled Up In Blue, 2. Lay Lady Lay, 3. Masters Of War, 4. The Man In Me, 5. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again, 6. Wiggle Wiggle, 7. Bob Dylan's Dream, 8. To Ramona, 9. Desolation Row, 10. Gates Of Eden,
11. Everything Is Broken, 12. Man In The Long Black Coat, 13. Seeing The Real You At Last, 14. Shooting Star, 15. God Knows, 16. In The Garden, 17. Like A Rolling Stone, 18. Blowin' In The Wind, 19. All Along The Watchtower
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