Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
3/9/78 | Auckland, New Zealand | 2 | B- | 72min+72min |
version "c", Lineage:, Note from LK: "This is my compilation from 3 different, incomplete source tapes. There is a complete source tape but it's rather over-recorded and distorted, so it's not used here., Tracks 1-9, 15-20 & 28-29 from RickH tape, Tracks 10-14 from Leo's tape, Track 21-27 from PaulB tape" >, LosslessBob-7317 entry: bittorrent download 03/09; this is a sort of close eac match on d1t2 to LB-4769 but has much less flaws but different ones; (did not listen to all of this) has drops between tracks; drop d1Track01 0:20, 0:21, d1Track05 2:59, d1Track06 1:04; vert d1Track05 3:01, d1Track06 1:06 >, Fix of LB-7317: WAV > Wave Repair 4.9.3 to fix index micro gaps/clicks and other minor clicks as indicated on DigiFlawFinder log [see Before and after]. Existing clips or dropouts unaltered. Drop d 1 Track 01 [A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall] at 0:20 is an analogue fade out/in [unaltered]. Fixed d1 Track06 [Love Minus Zero] micro dropout at 1:04. Flaws on d1 Track05 [Shelter From The Storm ] 2:59, 3:01 + d1 Track 06 1:06 [Love Minus Zero/No Limit] are visible in spectral analysis but inaudible and left unaltered. "The Man In Me" had rythmic static bursts throughout and was seamlessly replaced with preeceding track [Maggie's Farm] using a clean version from same source LB-4769 [an on source edit with the next track (LARS) does not influence track transition] > FLAC level 8.