LosslessBob LB-9220
3/13/78Brisbane, QLD, Australia2C+61min+78min

version "c", Lineage:, Note from LK- "This is from my 1st gen tape. The same recording as LB-4159" >, LosslessBob LB-7319 entry: bittorrent download 03/09; this is a close eac match on d1t2 to LB-4159 and seems to have more discontinuities between tracks; (did not listen to all of this) drops and discontinuities between tracks; [LosslessBob LB-4159 entry: analog drop d1t1 2:13; some drops/static around d2t3 2:16, 2:18 for 15 seconds; sound flucutation d2t7 2:23] >, Fix: WAV > Wave Repair 4.9.3 to fix index clicks and micro gaps, clicks on Maggie's Farm at 00:28 and flaws reported by DigiFlawFinder [see logs]. The "sound flucutation d2t7 2:23" [Just Like A Woman] is found on both LB-7319 and LB-4159 is a destructive edit [unaltered] > FLAC

bittorrent download 03/11; this is a close eac match on d2t1 to LB-7319 with indicated flaws fixed on this; (did not listen to all of this)
drop/cut between cdrs

01. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall [instrumental], 02. Love Her With A Feeling [Tampa Red)], 03. Mr. Tambourine Man, 04. I Threw It All Away, 05. Shelter From The Storm, 06. Love Minus Zero/No Limit, 07. Girl From The North Country, 08. Ballad Of A Thin Man, 09. Maggie's Farm, 10. The Man In Me, 11. Like A Rolling Stone, 12. I Shall Be Released, 13. Going, Going, Gone,


01. One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later), 02. You're A Big Girl Now, 03. One More Cup Of Coffee (Valley Below), 04. Blowin' In The Wind, 05. I Want You, 06. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, 07. Just Like A Woman, 08. Oh, Sister [Bob DylanJacques Levy/Bob Dylan], 09. Tomorrow is a Long Time, 10. All Along The Watchtower, 11. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met), 12. All I Really Want To Do, 13 [band intro], 14. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), 15. Forever Young, 16. The Times They Are A-Changin', 17. Knockin on Heaven's Door

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Year 1978
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