LosslessBob LB-9338
1/21/74Atlanta, Georgia2C+63min+60min

version "c", Lineage: Master / Low gen tape(s) > CD > EAC > CoolEdit2000 EQ-HR on some tracks > Flac. The full show is compiled from different incomplete tapes. [from lk aud set], LosslessBob entry: LB-2666. very similar to previous reported master* except different spectral view with this one not having a lot above 16k and bands set not much above 11k however this one is slightly clearer and less harsh than previous making it better; seems to have all the same flaws; good sound [C+] d1t12 drop/cuts 1:4x, d2t5 4:07, d2t8 0:4x, discontinuity pops d2t1 0:08, d2t2 0:48, plus lots more continuing through cdr, * = LosslessBob LB-232: d1t12 drop/cuts 1:4x, d2t5 4:07, d2t8 0:4x, pops d2t1 0:08, d2t2 0:45, plus lots more continuing through cdr, Fix of LB-2666: Cool Edit Pro 2.1. Applied "Click/pop eliminator Preset: Hiss + lots of clicks" to eliminate clicks/pops found across disc 2 [from The Times They Are A-Changin' up to last song Most Likely You Go Your Way - CD transfer problem?]. The clicks are not found on The Band's second set segment and are unreported by DFF. The de-clicking process did not produced artifact noise after pop elimination nor apply any sound mastering/hiss reduction ["Hiss + lots of clicks" is a preset for click detection not hiss removal]. Wave Repair 4.9.3 to fix index clicks between d2t8-9 and 12-13. Removed leading and trailing digital silences on d2t1,2,11, 12 and 16. Since tracks fall on edits between house intro, end of discs or preceeding Dylan/The Band set, they were either directly cut directly on sector boundery or sector aligned separately for they are not seamless with tracks following them. Hence, all files disc 1 except tracks 1,2,11,12 and 16 are unchanged from the original fileset. Drop on d2t1 at 00:00 [DFF] unidentified > FLAC

bittorrent download 05/11; same recording as from lk aud set LB-2666 with similar wav and spectral view; this has less digital flaws; (did not listen to all of this)
drop/cut between cdrs
< disk1 >, 01. Bill Graham house announcement, 02. // Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine), 03. Lay Lady Lay, 04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, 05. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat, 06. It Ain't Me Babe, 07. Ballad Of A Thin Man, 08. Stage Fright (the Band), 09. The Night they Drove Old Dixie Down (the Band), 10. King Harvest (has surely come)(the Band), 11. When you Awake (the Band), 12. I shall be Released (the Band), 13. Up on Cripple Creek (the Band), 14. All Along The Watchtower, 15. Ballad Of Hollis Brown, 16. Knockin' On Heaven's Door, < disk2 >, 01. The Times They Are A-Changin' (solo), 02. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (solo), 03. Gates Of Eden - (solo), 04. Just Like A Woman (solo), 05. It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (solo), 06. Rag Mama Rag (the Band), 07. The Shape I'm in (the Band), 08. This Wheel's on Fire (the Band), 09. The Weight (the Band), 10. Forever Young, 11. Something There Is About You, 12. Like A Rolling Stone, 13. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
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Year 1974
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