Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
5/13/95 | Las Vegas, Nevada | 2 | A- | 57min+39min |
version "d", ?? -> portable DATrecorder - clone -> (digital transfer) m-audio delta audiophile 2496, -> Wavelab -> ssrc -> cdwave for tracking -> tlh, I did not harm the sound of the recording in any way
bittorrent download 12/12; in 4-way comparison these are different recordings based on different crowd at end of d1t3 and beginning of d1t8; LB-1574 has fullest warmest sound, then this, then LB-1283, and then bootleg LB-6881; background talking d1t3, d1t4, d2t6; excellent sound [A-]carsten comments 03/22 "please not that tr. 1 & 2 from that file set are 'flown in' from Palm Desert 1995-05-15, cut is @ t2, 4:49, same master as LB-12777, still, these are 4 different recordings for that Vegas show."
1 intro, 2 Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood), 3 Lay Lady Lay, 4 All Along The Watchtower, 5 Just Like A Woman, 6 Silvio (Bob Dylan & Robert Hunter), 7 Tombstone Blues, 8 Mr. Tambourine Man, 9 Gates Of Eden, 10 Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, 1 Seeing The Real You At Last, 2 I Shall Be Released, 3 Band introduction, 4 Ballad Of A Thin Man, 5 Like A Rolling Stone, 6 It Ain't Me, Babe
Year 1995
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