LosslessBob LB-10870
2/15/94Kokura, Japan2A68min+43min

cos11pt, Sebastian, COS 11 PT -> D3 - clone -> (digital transfer) m-audio delta audiophile 2496, -> Wavelab -> ssrc -> Wavelab, levels raised -> cdwave for tracking -> tlh, I did not harm the sound of the recording in any way

bittorrent 07/13; same recording as LB-1769 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t1 with similar wav and spectral view except that has higher levels so clips; excellent sound [A]
drop not in music d2t3 8:49
1 intro, 2 Jokerman, 3 Lay Lady Lay, 4 All Along The Watchtower, 5 Simple Twist Of Fate, 6 Tangled Up In Blue, 7 I'll Remember You, 8 Tomorrow Night (Sam Coslow/Will Grosz), 9 The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll, 10 Boots Of Spanish Leather, 1 Series Of Dreams, 2 In The Garden, 3 Maggie's Farm, 4 I Shall Be Released, 5 It Ain't Me, Babe
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