Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
9/8/88 | Binghamton, New York | 1 | B+ | 77min |
version "b", This is a reworked version of, Source: LB-2586 (jvs master), Lineage: HC download > wav (TLH) > Audacity 2.0.3 (details below) > FLAC 8 (TLH) > HC, -recombined all tracks into one wav file, -boosted left channel 1dB, -boosted right channel 2dB, -added fade-in to beginning of first track & fade-out to end of last track, -re-split tracks, placing track indexes at the beginnings of songs, -removed all leading and trailing silences
bittorrent download 07/13; seems as described; (did not listen to all of this)
01. Introduction, 02. Subterranean Homesick Blues, 03. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue, 04. Masters Of War, 05. The Man In Me, 06. Had A Dream About You Baby, 07. Ballad Of A Thin Man, 08. Love Minus Zero/No Limit, 09. Mr. Tambourine Man, 10. Don't Think Twice, It's Alright [cut at beginning], 11. Girl From The North Country, 12. I Shall Be Released, 13. Silvio, 14. Like A Rolling Stone, 15. The Times They Are A-Changin', 16. Barbara Allen, 17. Maggie's Farm, Total Time (76:13)
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Year 1988
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