Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
9/3/88 | Manchester, New Hampshire Riverfront Park | 2 | A- | 74min |
lochner master, (M-AUD Lochner master), Quite fine AUD. Check samples for to try a few nibbles or get ready to go whole hog!, ::: Warts: Some AUD noise. #10 has tapeflip splice. Not remastered in my usual fashion so there's surely a few dullspots (it's from a cassette!), but seems eminently munchable., ::: This ain't the only version around, but it's another one!, ::: No Lossless Bob number (yet). NOT LB-1049 or LB-2588., Recording Information ::: Sony D-6 portable cassette recorder, single Sennheiser 300 microphone with shotgun shell y-jacked into both channels (mono) -> master Maxell XLII-S 90 cassette, Dolby B on., Playback 2013-11-xx ::: master Maxell XLII-S 90 cassette, Dolby B on on Nakamichi 680ZX cassette deck, Dolby B on, azimuth & speed adjusted (pitched!) for individual recording, heads cleaned & demagnetized -> Sony Linear PCM Recorder PCM-M10 (LPCM 44.10kHz/16bit WAV files) -> computer -> Audacity (normalisation to remove DC offset, channel/phase alignment, fades, phase inversion correction, volume adjustments, further speed fix, NO equalisation) -> CD Wave (track splits) -> Trader's Little Helper -> yer ears. First uploaded week of 2013-11-23