LosslessBob LB-11545
6/28/14Vienna, Austria2A49min+57min

sp cmc 8, Sound Professionals SP-CMC-8 -> Battery box -> Tascam Dr2d -> Laptop -> Dime -> You

bittorrent download 06/14; in comparison this has a warmer bassier sound than diewal LB-11544; background talking d1t3, d1t4, and so on; excellent sound [A]
has discontinuity pop and analog drops at d1t9 4:09 making skipping sound
1. Riffs, 2. Things Have Changed, 3. She Belongs To Me, 4. Beyond Here Lies Nothin', 5. What Good Am I?, 6. Waiting For You, 7. Duquesne Whistle, 8. Pay In Blood, 9. Tangled Up In Blue, 10. Love Sick, ----Intermission----, 1. Riffs, 2. High Water (For Charley Patton), 3. Simple Twist Of Fate, 4. Early Roman Kings, 5. Forgetful Heart, 6. Spirit On The Water, 7. Scarlet Town, 8. Soon After Midnight, 9. Long And Wasted Years, 10. Encore Break, 11. All Along The Watchtower, 12. Blowin' In The Wind
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