LosslessBob LB-11777
11/25/14Washington, D.C.2B+49min+54min

vwmule, Source: Church Audio 14 (cardiod) > Church Ugly battery box > Sony M-10 (24/48), Transfer: M-10 > iMac. Tracked and dithered via Sound Studio, FLAC via xACT, vwmule, Notes:, - Buzz is slightly noticeable from stage during first set, possibly bass amp., - Spurts of cell phone interference in spots during first set., - Some audience noise and clapping has been removed. Some fades added between songs to lessen impact of loud applause

bittorrent download 12/14; (did not listen to all of this)
drop/cut between cdrs, end of t8, t13, t14, t17,t18
Set One, 01. Intro > Things Have Changed, 02. She Belongs To Me, 03. Beyond Here Lies Nothin', 04. Workingman's Blues #2, 05. Waiting For You, 06. Duquesne Whistle, 07. Pay In Blood, 08. Tangled Up In Blue, 09. Love Sick, Set Two, 10. Intro > High Water (For Charley Patton), 11. Simple Twist Of Fate, 12. Early Roman Kings, 13. Forgetful Heart, 14. Spirit On The Water, 15. Scarlet Town, 16. Soon After Midnight, 17. Long And Wasted Years, 18. E: Blowin' In The Wind, 19. Stay With Me
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