Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
4/30/65 | Sheffield | 1 | B- | 28min |
lk live 1stgen, My tape. This tape was labelled "1st gen" but given the quality I find that hard to believe., The tape is not continuous and of course incomplete., Three of these tracks are available in PA quality in "Don't look Back":, ie A fragment of "times", complete "to ramona" & "Love-zero"., My Tape > Tascam 102 > Cool Edit Pro > Wave Edit > TLH, Notes, (1) is in "Don't Look Back"., (2) is listed in DLB (as "May 4") but doesn't match., (6) is in DLB, listed as "Newcastle May 9". (Newcastle was May 6.)
bittorrent download 09/15; has both the tracked show and an untracked version whose beginning is an eac match to the 1st track; in comparison on t2 lowgen LB-4832 has more hiss, is harsher and fuller, and easier to hear while this is more suppressed; (did not listen to all of this)
1. The Times They Are A-Changin', 2. To Ramona, 3. Gates Of Eden, 4. If You Gotta Go, Go Now, 5. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), 6. Love Minus Zero/No Limit
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Year 1965
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