Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
6/6/91 | Rome, Italy (Palaeur) | A- | 80min |
dat transfer; 48k, From an old DAT (received in trade, 1994-04-16). Compared to [LB-3583 - xref-00719], this has the same slow clap at the beginning of Mr. Tambourine Man. The LB-3583 listing reports its lineage as "AUD Cassette Master > DAT" etc., but I have always thought this was actually an early digital recording. Be that as it may, it seems to me that this iteration has notably less hiss than the copy of [LB-3583 - xref-00719] I have heard., TRANSFER DATE: 2016-07-21, WHAT I DID: DAT > WAV > Sound Forge (split into tracks) > FLAC > Windows explorer (tagging), WHAT I DID NOT DO: resample the files (they remain @ 48 khz, just as on the original DAT, so you will have to convert them yourself in order to burn to CD.), All thanks to the original taper and to the person who sent me the DAT (who may or may not be the same person)!
serge commented "LB-2811, LB-3583, LB-4089 (channels swapped), LB-10286 and this are the same recording., fingerprints:, t5 Man in Me, man talks @ 4:19-4:24, t6 Gotta Serve Somebody, girl is talking loudly @ 5:47-6:00, t8 Bob Dylan's Dream, girls talks to man @ 0:09, t16 just before H61 girl says "Happy Birthday, Bob!""