Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
8/26/88 | Winnipeg, Canada (Winnipeg Arena) | 2 | B | 41min+37min |
cassette transfer, From an old cassette (received in trade, 1994-03-08 -- zero lineage info, but sounds low). There are two different LB sources listed: [LB-4642] / [LB-9900] is sound rated at C-. [LB-3160] is rated B. I would feel confident that this is definitely the same source as [LB-3160], EXCEPT... I have another cassette of this show (also zero generational info but also sounds low). It is definitely a different recording, based on the LB f/p ("different crowd at begin of d1t2") -- this tape makes the transition from Subterannean to I'll Remember You with no notable crowd noise, whereas my other tape has some notable whoops in there. The thing is: The other tape, while arguably slightly worse, is CERtainly not a C- by any stretch. If this one is a B, you'd have to say my other one is a B-, I'd say. So therefore I'm not quite sure: something doesn't fit; you could certainly make a case for my other tape being a B, so this one might POSsibly be a creature void of form., TRANSFER DATE: 2016-09-20, WHAT I DID: Cassette > WAV > Sound Forge (split into tracks) > FLAC > MP3tag (tagging), All thanks to the original taper, and to the person who sent me the cassette.