Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
xx/xx/65 | Highway 61 Acetates | | | |
highway 61 revisited acetates dolphinsmile 48k; acetates themselves>dat>me>, file cloned in Microtrack, using Tascam dat deck>, Goldwave tracking>, TLH8, a dat I found. Something that, a buddy and I put on dat many, years ago. I may have listened, to it once. May already be on, some box, I leave, it to the Dylanologists here or, at the Hoffman Forum to research), Producer Dolphinsmile, from the Dolphinsmile Archive
bittorrent download 03/19; did not review this
Rolling Stone side A, Rolling Stone side B, Rolling Stone side A, Rolling Stone side B, Rolling Stone, It Takes A Lot to Laugh, Tombstone Blues, Positively 4th St, Highway 61, Just Like Tom Thumb Blues( has, some glitches, like someone, wanted to restart the dat but, messed up. Left it like it is, but could be fixed but in the final, end I decided to leave as is), Tombsonte Blues
Year 1965
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