LosslessBob LB-14079
xx/xx/761976 Tour Rehearsals A- 

ds master rehearsals pt2 dolphinsmile 48k, MR>dat>File cloned in, Microtrack using a, Tascam dat deck>Goldwave, tracking>TLH8, Dolphinsmile Producer, for the Dolphinsmile Archive, something that a few of, old time Dylan aficionados, put on dat many many years, ago. this dat is probably, 25 years old. I made several, copies back in the day but this, is the first time I acutally sat, thru the whole thing., Dylan had some terrible, guitar players on this leg., bass player pretty bad too., sorry but no set list., if you are a REAL DYLANOLOGIST, you know who these tapes were, obtained from., there is a part 1 on a dat somewhere, when I find ill upload, I did find, the complete aud FT Collins from master, Note by uploader: it was not easy, tracking this.

bittorrent download 04/19; the music on this can be divided into 3 parts; Part1 is the first 23:25 and matches music to LB-3295 very end of t17 through t27; Part2 is the next 45:44 and matches music to LB-3237 CD9 t1 through t21; Part3 is the next 90:23 and matches music to LB-3237 CD5 t1 through t11 and CD4 t12 through t29; there is also a 0:02 snippet just before Part3 which I did not research very far so whether it matches remains unknown to me; For Part 1 in comparison on t2 to LB-3295 d3t18 they had sort of similar wav and spectral view and sound except levels are lower on this and this is at 48k; For Part 2 in comparison on t14 to LB-3237 d9t1 this was slower and sounded slow; For Part 3 in comparison on t29 to LB-3237 d5t1 that has a harsher scratchier sound; the scratchiness was only at the beginning of the track; the harshness increased the distortion; this was slower than that and that sounded fast; on t43 in comparison to d4t7 that again sounded harsher with more noticable distortion; this was slower but could not tell which was more correct; excellent sound [A-]
drop/cut end of t13, t28, t40
Year 1976
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