Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
7/8/94 | Milan, Italy | | B | |
dolphinsmile 48k, cassette masters put on dat and, snail mailed to me>File cloned, in Microtrack using a Tascam Dat, deck>Goldwave tracking and removal of, flips>TLH8, Producer Dolphinsmile, for the Dolphinsmile Archive
bittorrent download 11/20; this is different recording than LB-3333, LB-3571, and LB-10800 based on different crowd at end of t1; in comparison on t9 LB-3571 is most muffled; LB-3333 has fullest warmest sound; LB-10800 is clearer sound than this; (did not listen to all of this)serge reported "t6-t7 drop/cut;, t12 beginning cut;, t13 beginning cut, poor sound, drop/cut at 1:08;, t14 mic noise at 2:53, 2:58;"
Jokerman, Lay Lady Lay, All Along The Watchtower, Born In Time, Tangled Up In Blue, Watching The River Flow, Love Minus Zero/No Limit, Masters Of War, Boots Of Spanish Leather, God Knows, Shelter From The Storm, Maggie's Farm, E: Ballad Of A Thin Man, It Ain't Me Babe
Year 1994
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