LosslessBob LB-15058
2/15/99Grand Rapids, MI A- 

version "b" 48k, From an old DAT (received in trade, 1999-03-07). This is probably from the same source as the one LB tape (LB-2042), although since I've never heard it that is just a guess., TRANSFER DATE: 2016-10-24, WHAT I DID: DAT > WAV > Sound Forge (split into tracks) > FLAC > MP3tag (tagging), WHAT I DID NOT DO: resample the files (they remain @ 48 khz, just as on the original DAT, so you will have to convert them yourself in order to burn to CD)., All thanks to the original taper, and to the person who sent me the DAT.

download from 11/20 posted in 10/16 at expectingrain; this is same recording as bootleg LB-2042 based on same clapping wavs at end of t1 with sort of similar wav and spectral view except this is at 48k and levels and compression are different; that has more digital flaws; (did not listen to all of this)
01 Gotta Serve Somebody, 02 Million Miles, 03 Maggie's Farm, 04 Just Like A Woman, 05 Silvio, 06 Stone Walls And Steel Bars, 07 Masters Of War, 08 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue, 09 Tangled Up In Blue, 10 Honky Tonk Blues (with Brian Setzer), 11 Ballad Of A Thin Man (with Brian Setzer + 4 piece horn section), 12 Highway 61 Revisited (with Brian Setzer), 13 Love Sick, 14 Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 (with Brian Setzer + 4 piece horn section), 15 Don't Think Twice, It's Alright, 16 Not Fade Away (with Brian Setzer), ***
Year 1999
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