Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
10/9/94 | Boston, MA -- Orpheum Theatre | 2 | A | 78min+36min |
stevemtl, Last night of three at the Orpheum and another splendid performance. The torrent has applause in balance, whistles, etc. removed or reduced and is free of audience chatter. It is a fresh transfer from my master and therefore will differ from the previous upload of this performance., Faults: SEE NOTE RE t02. Minor usual audience interference., 112:55, note:, t02: distorted; over-recorded on master, t08>10, 16: played on acoustic instruments, t13: band intro within, No artwork., Recorded by stevemtl: Sennheiser MKE-2002 > Denon DTR80P (DAT: 16bit, 48 khz), Transferred by stevemtl: DAT > Sony PCM-R500 > Roland R44 > SD chip > my fingers > HD, Mastered by stevemtl: HD > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 24/48: L2 t02 level reduction, edit, applause level adjust, fades) > r8brain (vhq downsample > 24/44.1) > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 16/44.1) > CDwave (track cut) > TLH (flac level 6, ffp, md5) > TLH (torrent marker), Circulated by stevemtl: Torrent marker uploaded to DIME on 2020-12-20.