Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
2/9/93 | London, England |
boiledgutsofbirds mtx 2444, SBD+AUD Matrix, Source One: "Pre-Board" LB-8660 (Pink Robert Remaster), Source Two: Unknown Taper AUD Recording LB-10674, Remix by boiledgutsofbirds, Lineage: LB-2337+LB-10411>Logic Pro X>xACT, NOTES:, - The two sources didn't line up so I have very slightly sped up the preboard tape to match the AUD source. As the difference is less than a cent in pitch it's hard to tell which is the "correct" speed but it still sounds solid to my ears., - Maggie's Farm pre-board source fades in as the tape is incomplete. The rest of the set has no complete tracks from the pre-board and thus has not been included., -There is some distortion on Bob's vocal mic towards the end of the set. This is in the source tape and not as a result of anything I've done to the mix.