LosslessBob LB For Year 1993
LB-6838xx/xx/93Live in 931 BOOTLEG: Exclusive Series '93; cd > ultraplex >
LB-6839xx/xx/93Various1 BOOTLEG: Lucky 13; cd > ultraplex > eac > wav >
LB-00981/17/93Blue Jeans Bash1B-sbd,
LB-120861/17/93Washington, DC1B+sbd lossy jtt, THE BAND, RONNIE HAWKINS & BOB
LB-138651/17/93Bill Clinton1Bchimes carbonbit mpg, (MPG & FLAC Versions), Video
LB-151111/17/93Washington, DC B+see Dylan-Bob 01/14/74 partial sdb plus blue jean
LB-156121/17/93Bill Clinton B+serge, lineage: reel > DAT >transfer 31 August
LB-68402/xx/93London - Hammersmith2 BOOTLEG: Hammersmith Highlights; cd > ultraplex >
LB-23432/5/93The Point Depot2B-another in the Righteous To Me Series, review by
LB-69642/5/93Dublin, Ireland2B-jtt; "Pre Board ?", Bob Dylan, The Point Depot,
LB-124112/5/93Dublin, Ireland B-verison "b" 48k, Pre-Board from Righteous To Me
LB-146292/5/93Dublin, Ireland2Dversion "d", **POOR RECORDING**, The 3 entries at
LB-146302/5/93Dublin, Ireland2Cversion "e" inc, The 3 entries at Lossless Bob
LB-113182/6/93Dublin, Ireland1B-guest, ** w/ Bob Dylan, Elvis Costello, Bono,
LB-13432/7/93London Hammersmith2A-Legendary Tapers Series #2, (Taper: LTB),
LB-23252/7/93London1B-from the Box Set Righteous to Me 1993 Preboards
LB-32452/7/93Hammersmith Odeon2 JTT; GENUINE, Previously Uncirculated (Other Than
LB-42162/7/93London2 version "c"; Probably an LTB recording, but may be
LB-58822/7/93London, England2A-LTA; cut before encore, legendary taper A, ?? ->
LB-69672/7/93London1BLTA remaster; Soundboard, Source:, "Righteous to
LB-94282/xx/93London, UK2A-BOOTLEG: tomorrow nights; (liberated bootleg), Feb
LB-127682/7/93London, England, U.K A-hce c dolphinsmile 48k, taped by HCE C with
LB-15502/8/93Hammersmith, London2BAn off-master of a recording by Legendary Taper B.
LB-31892/8/93London2 version "a"; Source: Audience recording, File
LB-58842/8/93London2ALTA; cut before Everything Is Broken, legendary
LB-68412/8/93London - Hammersmith2BBOOTLEG: Apollo Landing; cd > ultraplex > eac >
LB-68422/8/93London - Hammersmith2A-BOOTLEG: The Illusion of Time; cd > ultraplex >
LB-147042/8/93London Aversion "g" 48k, From a DAT (received in trade,
LB-149752/8/93London2Asenn2002 dolphinsmile, Dat from taper(Senn2002/Dat
LB-14632/9/93London2ALegendary Tapers Series #6, Off-master copy of a
LB-27792/9/93Apollo, London2BBOOTLEG: Just Like Zimmerman; from silver bootleg
LB-55452/9/93London2B"Uncirculated JTT Master" Incomplete, Incomplete
LB-58952/9/93London, England2ALTA; cut before encore, legendary taper A, ?? ->
LB-80562/9/93London, England2Alocal taper UK C, cut before Tomorrow Night, The
LB-86602/9/93London2B+rtm remaster pr;, Preboard (RTM), Remaster from
LB-106742/9/93London, England2Aversion "i", Alternative recording to 'LTA
LB-135312/9/93London, England2Acb dolphinsmile, Taped by CB with Senn2002 and
LB-152882/9/93London, England  boiledgutsofbirds mtx 2444, SBD+AUD Matrix, Source
LB-32122/11/93Hammersmith Odeon2B-JTT;, GENUINE, Previously Uncirculated (Other Than
LB-43642/11/93London2B-JTT version "a"; "New Transfer from Master",
LB-54622/11/93Hammersmith Odeon2A-Taper: Glen Dundas, Source: GD master > audio
LB-58552/11/93London2ALTA; cut before encore, legendary taper A, ?? ->
LB-58582/11/93London2A-BOOTLEG: If Not For You; cd > ultraplex > eac >
LB-104102/11/93London2Aebr, Recorded on Sonic Studios DSM-6 mics->Sony
LB-124252/11/93London, England2Cversion "j", 48k; Contrast Clause: This recording
LB-152892/11/93London, England  boiledgutsofbirds mtx 2444, SBD+AUD Matrix, Source
LB-42282/12/93London2BRecorded by JTT, Mastered & Artwork by JTT,
LB-59232/12/93London2ALTA; cut before encore, legendary taper A, ?? ->
LB-68432/12/93Hammersmith2A-BOOTLEG: Fifth Time Around; cd > ultraplex > eac >
LB-104112/12/93London2Aebr, Recorded on Sonic Studios DSM-6 mics->Sony
LB-124262/12/93London, England2A-version "f", 49k; Contrast clause: This recording
LB-152902/12/93London, England  boiledgutsofbirds mtx 2444, SBD+AUD Matrix, Source
LB-23192/13/93Hammersmith Apollo2BFrom the Box Set :, Righteous To Me - 1993,
LB-32652/13/93London2B-JTT; GENUINE, Previously Uncirculated (Other Than
LB-43672/13/93London2BJTT version "a"; "New Transfer from Master",
LB-59812/13/93London, England2ALTA; cut before encore, legendary taper A, ?? ->
LB-152912/13/93London, England B-boiledgutsofbirds mtx 2444, With this show that is
LB-160042/13/93London, UK Bmr sifter remaster, Remixed & remastered by Mr.
LB-23902/15/93Vredenburg2 version "a"; discs from bobzilla, review by
LB-24832/15/93Utrecht2 1993 Preboard (RTM), Remaster from Pink Robert: "I
LB-53212/15/93Utrecht.2B+BOOTLEG: Moving On To Holland; (soundboard),
LB-59472/15/93Utrecht2A-LTJ; cut before encore, legendary taper J,
LB-81232/15/93Utrecht, Netherlands2B+BOOTLEG: Moving On To Holland; version "e";
LB-86672/15/93Utrecht, Holland2A-rr;, Different version*: this is an upload of my
LB-96522/15/93Utrecht, Holland2Bversion "g", Alternative audio source to LTJ &
LB-60112/16/93Utrecht (Holland)2B-version "a"; Taped with a sony dat recorder type
LB-60192/16/93Utrecht2B+LTJ; cut before encore, few seconds of Highway 61
LB-68442/16/93Utrecht, Holland2BBOOTLEG: Shadows in the Sound; cd > ultraplex >
LB-86682/16/93Utrecht, Holland2B+rr;, Source: Sennheisser MKE-40/6 (2) > Sony
LB-87392/16/93Vredenburg, Utrecht2A-rtm08 version "e";, Righteous To Me 08, SHN 0.5593
LB-92492/16/93utrecht holland2Bversion "f", my first upload, of this show, was
LB-152622/16/93Utrecht B+lta 48, lineage:, Cassette>DAT>Maxell HS-4/60S
LB-152642/16/93Utrecht2A-sbd lta, Soundboard, ***Mastered 15 August 2021 by
LB-23422/17/93EindHoven2BPreboard, Another from the "Righteous To Me" box.
LB-70342/17/93Eindhoven2A-version "b"; aud; ?? -> portable DATrecorder -
LB-83612/17/93Eindhoven (NL)2B+BOOTLEG: The Never Ending TOUr; Manufacturer: Take
LB-86772/17/93Eindhoven2A-rr;, Source: Sennheisser MKE-40/6 (2) > Sony
LB-111792/17/93Eindhoven2B+BOOTLEG: never ending tour; version "e", [Take It
LB-124272/17/93Eindhoven Bversion "f" 48k, Contrast clause: This is a
LB-23222/18/93Hannover2A-from the Box Set Righteous to Me 1993 Preboards;
LB-57052/18/93Hannover2ANETF; some applause edited out by the taper, net
LB-68452/18/93Hanover, Germany2 BOOTLEG: It Ain't Me Babe; cd > ultraplex > eac >
LB-99012/18/93Hannover, Germany2A-incomplete recording, local taper DE C, Folsom
LB-151372/18/93Hannover, Germany Aokm dolphinsmile 48k, OKM mics and dat>clone>File,
LB-162172/18/93Hannover, Germany  ws, Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar), Bucky Baxter
LB-23212/20/93Wiesbaden2Afrom the Box Set Righteous to Me 1993 Preboards;
LB-33802/20/93Wiesbaden2B+Source: Master Aud mit Sony WWD6C + Microphon Sony
LB-58812/20/93Wiesbaden, Germany2ANTF; cut before encore, net taper F, OKM II ->
LB-83942/20/93Wiesbaden2Aversion "d"; From the Righteous To Me -1993 set of
LB-85922/20/93Wiesbaden3B+version "e"; Aud, gen: Master, Note: New Transfer
LB-124282/20/93Wiesbaden, Germany Aversiojn "h" 48k, Contrast clause: This torrent
LB-148232/20/93Wiesbaden Altb lta 48k, (LTB), taper: local taper B, lineage:
LB-23232/21/93Petange2Afrom the Box Set Righteous to Me 1993 Preboards;
LB-68462/21/93Petange, Luxembourg2B+BOOTLEG: And the Never Ending Tour Band; cd >
LB-124292/21/93Petange, Luxembourg Aversion "d"; 48k, Contrast clause: This recording
LB-151532/21/93Petange, Luxembourg2A-version "f", As usual I don't have source info for
LB-23242/23/93Paris2Bfrom the Box Set Righteous to Me 1993 Preboards;
LB-47932/23/93Paris2B-version "a"; Audience recording (Full spectrum) >
LB-56512/23/93Paris2Aversion "c"; audience recording, alternative
LB-124302/23/93Paris, France Bversion "d" 48k, Contrast clause: This recording
LB-150132/23/93Le Znith, Paris Brtm13 lta 48k, soundboard, source: FLAC16/48 files
LB-154292/23/93Paris, France2 rtm pink robert remaster, Preboards, Righteous To
LB-124312/25/93Belfast B+version "a"; 48k, This torrent is a Pre-Board from
LB-08794/12/93Louisville2AMJS Master,
LB-23134/12/93Robert S. Whitney2Aversion "b"
LB-125574/12/93Louisville, KY Ahce p dolphinsmile 48k, recorded by HCE P with
LB-58214/13/93Nashville2Bversion "a"; From The Box Set:, Righteous To Me:,
LB-124124/13/93Nashville2B+version "c", From old cassettes (received in trade
LB-159664/13/93Nashville, TN B+sonics dolphinsmile 48, taped with Sonics and
LB-53854/14/93Nashville2B-JTT, "2nd Generation Transfer, Possibly
LB-71944/14/93Nashville2B+version "b"; lineage : CDR (received in a trade) >
LB-159494/14/93Nashville, TN B+b sonic studio dolphinsmile 48, taped by B with
LB-124134/16/93Radford2B+version "b", From my cassettes (received in trade,
LB-125774/16/93Radford, VA Ahce p dolphinsmile 48k, another exc recording from
LB-23514/17/93Knoxville2 version "a", From the Righteous To me - 1993 set
LB-23684/17/93Civic Auditorium2AAudience recording
LB-46774/17/93Knoxville2APDub Master: Sonic Studios 6p mics > Sony D3, D7
LB-146474/17/93Knoxville, TN Apl dolphinsmile 48k, Taped by PL with Crown/Radio
LB-49914/18/93Asheville2APDub Master: Sonic Studios 6p mics > Sony D3, D7
LB-105434/18/93Asheville, NC2Bversion "c", Alternate recording to LB-2334 (board
LB-126364/18/93Asheville, NC Ahce p dolphinsmile 48k, taped by HCE P with two
LB-150274/18/93Asheville NC Ap dolphinsmile 48k, taped by P with Crown/Radio
LB-68474/19/93Huntsville, AL2ABOOTLEG: Hard Times in Alabama; cd > ultraplex >
LB-69924/19/93Huntsville, Alabama2Ajtt; Excellent Audience Recording, SOURCE: DAT >
LB-87414/19/93Huntsville, Alabama2Bversion "e";, From The Box Set:, Righteous To Me:,
LB-124404/19/93Huntsville, Alabama Bversion "e: 48k, RTM Pre-Board, This torrent is a
LB-152464/19/93Huntsville, AL Aaud lta 48, lineage:, audience recording>DAT
LB-46534/21/93Monroe2APDub Master: Sonic Studios 6p mics > Sony D3, D7
LB-71604/21/93Monroe, La, USA2Aversion "b"; Source: Sonic Studio Mics > Sony D3,
LB-23454/23/93New Orleans2B+sbd
LB-49944/23/93New Orleans2APDub Master: Sonic Studios 6p mics > Sony D3, D7
LB-70644/23/93New Orleans, La2ASource: Sonic Studio Mics > Sony D3, Transfer: DAT
LB-135434/23/93New Orleans, LA2Apdub dolphinsmile, Clone directly off PDub master,
LB-68486/xx/93Europe2 BOOTLEG: Breadcrumb Sins; cd > ultraplex > eac >
LB-24196/12/93Fleadh Festival1BAudience recording: cdr>eac(secure
LB-57876/12/93London1B+net taper I, lineage, OKMII -> portable Sony
LB-72516/12/93Finsbury Park1A-legendary taper J, Sennheiser MKE2002 -> portable
LB-125716/12/93London, UK2Bversion "d", From a cassette (received in trade,
LB-19256/17/93Tel Aviv, Israel2C-flac, bootleg --> EAC secure mode --> flac, 630 MB
LB-19526/17/93Mann Auditorium2CMaster MC (C-90 x2) > DAT > CDr (no other CDr
LB-23466/17/93Mann Auditorium2Bsbd
LB-23506/17/93Mann Auditorium2Bversion "a"; sbd
LB-64086/17/93Tel-Aviv, Israel2CHowlin' Husky, ; Soundboard recording., Starting
LB-19296/19/93Beersheva, Israel2B-flac, aud --> CDR --> EAC secure mode --> flac,
LB-20726/19/93Beersheva, Israel2B-aud --> CDR --> EAC secure mode --> flac, This is
LB-23476/19/93Beersheba, Israel2B+Another from the "Righteous To Me" box. One listen
LB-23496/19/93Beersheba, Israel2 version "a"
LB-45746/19/93Beersheba2B+Taper: "Bach", Lineage: Sony Dat TCD-D3 / micro
LB-19316/20/93Haifa, Israel2Bflac, AUD --> CDR --> EAC secure mode --> flac,
LB-107606/20/93Haifa, Israel2A-preboard jtt, (Mixing Desk Recording) JTT, Good
LB-107686/20/93Haifa, Israel2A-pink robert, From The Box Set:, Righteous To Me,
LB-60026/22/93Athens, Greece2B+JB; 'Mr Tambourine Man' and 'Cat's In The Well'
LB-60366/23/93Athens, Greece2BJohn Bauldie, analog master -> DAT - clone ->
LB-34516/25/93Naples2BAudience recording, Unknown generation Tape > CDR
LB-40146/25/93Naples2B-version "a"
LB-114996/25/93Naples, Italy2Bjtt, (Uncirculated Tape Transfer) JTT, BOB DYLAN,
LB-86826/26/93Pisa, Italy2B+version "b";, Righteous to Me Box Set, discs from
LB-124516/26/93Pisa, Italy B+version "c"; 48k, Contrast clause: This torrent is
LB-48836/27/93Milan2Aversion "a"; Taper: Legendary Taper J, Source: DAT
LB-49346/27/93Milan2Bbravo; Taper: Unknown., Source: Audio disks >
LB-49636/27/93Milan2Bversion "c"; alt; Taper: Unidentified., Source:
LB-105906/27/93Milan, Italy2B-version "d", Alternative recording to
LB-139966/27/93Milano, Italy Asenn2002 dolphinsmile 48k, taped with dat and
LB-154606/27/93Milan, Italy2Bzuma66, zuma66 master, Lineage: Sony TCS 430 whit
LB-57936/29/93Marseille, France2A-version "a"; I believe this set is from the same
LB-58106/29/93Marseille2ALTJ fixed; cuts before Maggie's Farm, encore, last
LB-58116/29/93Marseilles2A-BOOTLEG: Hard Times in Marseilles; cd > ultraplex
LB-80806/29/93Marseille, France2A-version "d"; PA tape, master(?) -> DAT - clone ->
LB-124646/29/93Marseille, France Be 48, RTM Pre-Board, Lineage:
LB-58786/30/93Toulouse2Aversion "b"; cut before encore, ??? -> DAT (clone)
LB-110796/30/93Toulouse, France2Aversion "c"
LB-24847/1/93El Pueblo Espa2ASchubert Remaster, obviously done from the
LB-68497/1/93Barcelona, Spain2A-BOOTLEG: From the Coast of Barcelona; cd >
LB-60787/2/93Vitoria, Spain3B-taper Vito, analog master -> DAT - clone ->
LB-85447/2/93Vitoria, Spain2C+From the Basque Country Vol2, Second show of Bob
LB-23827/4/93Waterford2 From The Box Set:, Righteous To Me:, 1993
LB-146327/4/93Waterford, Ireland2B+version "c", The 2 entries at Lossless Bob
LB-74727/6/93Huesca, Spain2A-legendary taper D, Sennheiser MKE2002 -> portable
LB-57357/8/93Gijon2Alegendary taper D, Sennheiser MKE2002 (?) ->
LB-59977/8/93Gijon2A-version "b"; sbd; levels go down at begin of d1t2;
LB-107177/8/93Gijon, Spain2B+version "c", Alternative recording to 'LTD' &
LB-110777/8/93Gijon, Spain2B+version "d"
LB-23847/9/93La Coruna2A-sbd
LB-57207/9/93La Coruna2A-legendary taper D, Sennheiser MKE2002 (?) ->
LB-69657/9/93La Coruna, Spain2A-jtt; "Pre Board ?", BOB DYLAN, Xacobe Festival,
LB-70957/9/93La Coruna, Spain2B+version "c"; received in a trade as REMASTER of
LB-84107/9/93La Coruna, Spain2Cversion "d"; Lineage Unknown received in trade,
LB-35757/10/93Oporto2A-DATA DVD TRADE (FLAC) > Azareus > torrent > Dime >
LB-57147/10/93Oporto, Portugal2A-legendary taper D, Sennheiser MKE2002 (?) ->
LB-114987/10/93Oporto, Portugal2Bversion "b", Alternative recording to Legendary
LB-12127/12/93Merida2A-cb master
LB-23177/12/93Teatro Romano2A-from the Box Set: Righteous To Me: 1993 Preboards
LB-55567/12/93Merida2Alegendary Taper: D, Lineage: Sennheiser MKE2002 ->
LB-72967/12/93Merida, Spain2B+BOOTLEG: On the Rising Curve; Soundboard recorded
LB-73117/12/93Merida, Spain2B+BOOTLEG: ON THE RISING CURVE; version "e";
LB-17577/13/93Cascais, Portugal2A- 
LB-23747/13/93Pavilmao2A-version "a"; Sound Good Aud. A-, Lineage :
LB-24037/13/93Cascais, Portugal2Asbd
LB-46687/13/93Cascais, Portugal2A-HT Remaster, Excellent audience recording;
LB-57177/13/93Cascais2Alegendary taper D, Sennheiser MKE2002 (?) ->
LB-91527/13/93Cascais, Portugal2A-iar082
LB-23167/17/93Gurten Festival2A-from the Box Set Righteous to Me 1993 Preboards
LB-32107/17/93Bern2 BOOTLEG: The End of Summer; Original Soundboard
LB-56427/17/93Bern2B+Lineage:, Taper: unknow, [?mic -> portable
LB-110807/17/93Bern, Switzerland B+version "c"
LB-44788/20/93Portland2B+Audience recording (Full spectrum) > Unknown
LB-53668/20/93Portland2A-version"a"; audience recording - excellent sound,
LB-58538/20/93Portland2A-local taper NW: A, ?? -> portable DATrecorder -
LB-50368/21/93Seattle2A-Unknown Audience>CDR>EAC>FLAC LEVEL 5
LB-135148/21/93Seattle, WA2A-omni dolphinsmile, Recorded on Dat using Omni
LB-37358/22/93Vancouver2A-trade datadvd (SHN) > Azareus > torrent > dime > .
LB-134998/22/93Vancouver2Bversion "a", Got this from the original taper know
LB-73718/25/93Englewood, Colorado2B+version "a"; Taper: unidentified, Source/Lineage:
LB-118128/25/93Greenwood Village2B+sonic whiotrader, Here's one my buddy Maddog
LB-01338/27/93Falcon Heights2 corrected version with full cd2
LB-162578/27/93Falcon Heights  cassette, WHAT I DID: CASSETTE > WAV > Sound Forge
LB-59038/28/93Milwaukee2A-?? -> cassette master -> DAT - clone -> (digital
LB-71738/28/93Milwaukee2B+version "a"; I received this concert in a trade as
LB-160818/28/93Milwaukee, WI B+dolphinsmile, taped by Pdub with Sonic mics and
LB-58808/29/93Chicago. Illinois2A-1st song incomplete, at end again from analog
LB-55628/31/93Clarkston2AI made a request suggested by a couple of friends
LB-86579/2/93Toronto2A-ltm;, cut before encore, Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
LB-144989/2/93Toronto, ON B+stevemtl 24bit, Fine audience recording of the
LB-54179/3/93Syracuse, New York2B+no info file
LB-144999/3/93Syracuse, NY Bstevemtl 24bit, Fair audience recording of the
LB-159969/3/93Syracuse, NY B+dolphinsmile 48, Cassette Master>Dat>file cloned
LB-05169/4/93Saratoga Springs2A- 
LB-45489/4/93Saratoga Springs2A-version "a"
LB-77949/4/93Saratoga Springs2A-version "b"; * This recording is the same as
LB-102939/4/93Saratoga Springs, NY4A-nak700, Wailing Souls Santana Bob Dylan, 2
LB-142719/4/93Saratoga Springs Bstevemtl 24, Fine audience recording for your
LB-60959/5/93Scranton2B+GD; legendary taper F, Sennheiser MKE2002 ->
LB-112759/5/93Scranton2B+bw cd, BW, cut before Silvio, God Knows, ? ->
LB-123449/5/93Scranton B+partial sonics 48k, I'm pretty sure this was the
LB-61029/8/93Vienna2B+version "a"; inhouse line, many analog flaws in
LB-61069/8/93Vienna2B-BOOTLEG: Not Much Is Really Sacred; cd > ultraplex
LB-61079/8/93Vienna1B+BOOTLEG: The Real Sound; cd > ultraplex > eac >
LB-139579/8/93Vienna, VA B+ald lta 48k, (Assistive Listening Device), source:
LB-151389/8/93Vienna, VA2B+hard hearing device dolphinsmile, Hard Hearing
LB-155339/8/93Wolf Trap1 BOOTLEG: hard and fast; Manufacturer: Hard Beat
LB-02749/9/93Vienna1 sbd,
LB-30499/9/93VIENNA2B+Assisted Listening Device Recording
LB-61059/9/93Vienna2B+version "b"; low gen ALD > DAT > CD > EAC >
LB-68519/9/93Wolf Trap2 BOOTLEG: No Time to Think; cd > ultraplex > eac >
LB-24059/10/93Jones Beach4A-Two Nights at Jones Beach(September 10 & 11, 1993)
LB-45999/10/93Wantagh2A-Taper: Glen Dundas, Source: Audio disks from taper
LB-105899/10/93Wantagh, NY2Aversion "c", Alternative recording to LB-2405 &
LB-24069/11/93Jones Beach A- 
LB-29979/11/93Jones Beach2A-Taped and Transfered by: gdplusmore@aol.com,
LB-104439/11/93Wantagh, New York2A-version "d", master dat to clone to upload,
LB-148549/11/93Wantagh, New York2A-version "g", AUD DAT Master [unknown equipment] >
LB-12589/12/93Great Woods2ABOOTLEG: Great Woods;
LB-34999/12/93Great Woods1Baud
LB-35689/12/93Great Woods2A-aud
LB-122599/12/93Mansfield2B+aud ljk, I was discussing (with another collector)
LB-37599/14/93Holmdel2Bdvd FLAC > azareus > torrent > dime, incl, txt
LB-44059/14/93Holmdel2B+Taper: Glen Dundas, Source: Audio disks from taper
LB-36469/17/93Charlotte2C+version "a"; FLAC files, no info, incl, txt file,
LB-43989/17/93Charlotte2BTaper: Glen Dundas, Source: AUdio disks from taper
LB-46909/17/93Charlotte2A-PDub Master: Sonic Studios 6p mics > Sony D3, D7
LB-57959/18/93Atlanta2BGD; legendary taper F, ?? -> portable DATrecorder
LB-70929/18/93Atlanta, Georgia2B+PDub Master: Sonic Studios 6p mics > Sony D3, D7
LB-105919/18/93Atlanta, GA2B-version "b", Alternative recording to Dundas &
LB-36449/19/93Raleigh2Cno info, incl, txt file, fingerprints, artwork
LB-43409/19/93Raleigh2BTaper: Glen Dundas, Source: Audio disks from taper
LB-49959/19/93Raleigh2A-PDub Master: Sonic Studios 6p mics > Sony D3, D7
LB-125319/21/93Tampa, FL Bsenn dolphinsmile 48k, I found this the other day,
LB-159549/21/93Tampa, FL Bsennheiser mk2002 dolphinsmile 48, taped by
LB-36299/22/93Miami, Florida2C+version "a"; SHN files !!!!, no info, incl, txt
LB-101709/22/93Miami FL2Bsenn, my master was taped with sennheiser mk 2002
LB-125799/22/93Miami, FL2Bsenn dolphimsmile fixed, I previoulsy uploaded
LB-59219/23/93West Palm Beach2B+LTH; cut before Mr. Tambourine Man, legendary
LB-126299/23/93West Palm Beach B+senn2oo2 dolphinsmile 48k, This show took place at
LB-363110/1/93Costa Mesa2B+SHN files!!!!, no info, incl, txt file, md5 files,
LB-596610/1/93Costa Mesa2B+NETA; first song different master, dropout in
LB-1377210/1/93Costa Mesa, CA B+schoeps dolphinsmile 48k, Schoeps Mics>dat>clone
LB-011710/2/93Los Angeles2B+ 
LB-582010/2/93Los Angeles2A-NETA; cut between discs, net taper A, ?? ->
LB-685210/2/93Hollywood Bowl1 BOOTLEG: Stumblin' Along; cd > ultraplex > eac >
LB-994310/2/93Los Angeles, CA2Bversion "b", Alternative audio source to NTA &
LB-1250010/2/93Los Angeles, CA A-48k; schoeps hecc dolphinsmile, taped by (code
LB-1314410/2/93HOLLYWOOD, CA2Bversion "e", D3 Cassette Master -> Untracked Aiff
LB-378110/3/93San Diego2A-datadvd trade SHN >azareus > torrent > DaD, no
LB-591210/3/93San Diego2A-net taper A, ?? -> portable DATrecorder - clone ->
LB-556310/5/93San Bernadino2Afor the new global moderator DON LUIS, data dvd
LB-593010/5/93San Bernardino2Anet taper A, ?? -> portable DATrecorder - clone ->
LB-1531310/5/93San Bernardino, CA Anta lta 48, taper: NET Taper A, lineage: Sonic
LB-363210/7/93Concord2Aversion "a"; FLAC FILES, no info, incl, txt files,
LB-597310/7/93Concord2Anet taper A, ?? -> portable DATrecorder - clone ->
LB-1089310/7/93Concord CA Aversion "c", dat clone from master ex aud,
LB-1423310/7/93Concord, CA Aschoeps dolphinsmile 48k, Schoeps mics and
LB-576410/8/93Sacramento2A-?? -> portable DATrecorder - clone -> (digital
LB-584010/8/93Sacramento2A-Scottsays; This is a nice true mono audience
LB-1479410/8/93Sacramento, CA A-teddy ballgame 48k, From the Teddy Ballgame
LB-361010/9/93Shoreline2A-SHN files, renaming songtitles to acceptable DIME
LB-499610/9/93Mountain View2Bversion "a"; Audience recording > Unknown transfer
LB-652610/9/93Mountain View, Ca2Aschoeps; I am seeding a DAT clone off of the
LB-1098810/9/93Mountain View2ABOOTLEG: shoreline amphitheatre 1993;
LB-018211/16/93Supper Club1A-Late, sbd,
LB-106011/16/93Supper Cub1 Supperclub (16 Nov 1993) Vol 1, DTS (Ambisonics) 5
LB-165111/xx/93Supper Club, NYC4A-"The Supper Club Upgrade" dylantree.com project;
LB-540611/16/93The Supper Club2ABOOTLEG: (And It Ain't) In The Seats Of A Supper
LB-540911/16/93The Supper Club1ABOOTLEG: The Supper Club; late show; sbd; Silver
LB-620811/16/93Supper Club1ABOOTLEG: Is this what you want ?; FLU-0012,
LB-685311/16/93New York - Supper2BBOOTLEG: First Supper; cd > ultraplex > eac > wav
LB-936611/16/93The Supper Club2ABOOTLEG: live at the supper club; November 16th
LB-1132111/16/93The Supper Club New4ABOOTLEG: suppers ready; Lavel:Original Master
LB-1262511/16/93Supper Club Alate twolf schoeps dolphinsmile 48k, (Late Show);
LB-1327211/16/93Supper Club4BBOOTLEG: complete supper club recordings; inc,
LB-1508911/16/93The Supper Club4Aacidproject 058, Unplugged At Supper Club
LB-445411/17/93Supper Club2B+(Early Show), (Late Show - Incomplete), Taper: Lee
LB-540711/17/93Supper Club, NYC1Alate; sbd; lowgen; Soundboard of the 4th Supper
LB-619711/17/93The Supper Club New1Aearly; sbd
LB-635611/17/93The Supper Club1ASM-RM; early; 8 pm, soundboard, Part of 05
LB-685411/17/93New York - Supper2 BOOTLEG: Second Supper; cd > ultraplex > eac > wav
LB-1262711/17/93The Supper Club NYC Aearlytwolf schoeps dolphinsmile 48, early, taped


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