Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
11/11/78 | Vancouver, BC |
stan gutoski jems, JEMS Master, Recording Gear: Sony ECM-22p microphone > Sony TC-55 cassette recorder, Transfer by Bas for JEMS: Nakamichi CR-7A azimuth-adjusted playback > Behringer Ultramatch 24/96 > XLR digital out (AES/EBU) > Edirol R44 (digi in) > SDcard 2496 .wav . iZotope RX10 and Ozone 9 > resample to 1644 > > Audacity > xACT 2.50 > FLAC, Known Faults:, -None, JEMS released Stan's Portland master cassettes five or so years ago, and his outstanding Seattle recording, done on the Tandberg reel to reel, has been in circulation for decades including a master transfer way back in 2011. But his Vancouver master cassettes had never been given a proper modern transfer, so now felt like a great time to do so., The Vancouver recording lacks the fidelity of Tandberg tape from Seattle and its more distant than the Portland pull done on the same gear. But it remains the best and perhaps only recording of the show and is still a solid and highly listenable recording. Samples provided., If you're a fan of this era of Dylan, you'll likely enjoy this performance. But for me the best thing on the entire recording came after the show ends., Stan keeps the deck rolling and captures he and his wife Jan talking to the couple who sat next to them at the show. Stan thanks them for being quiet and they begin to exchange information so Stan can send Sylvie, who traveled in from Quebec, a copy of his recording. It's a quintessentially Stan moment of generosity, thankfully preserved on tape., If you'd like to learn more about Stan and his taping legacy, please watch Committed of One:, Thanks this week to Professor Goody for pitch checking, to Bas for doing the original transfer (sorry it took so long to get to this) and to mjk5510 for post production., Cheers to the late, great Stan Gutoski. There will never be another man like him., BK for JEMS