LosslessBob Bootleg CD - Acoustic Troubador
LosslessBob Bootleg CD
Acoustic Troubador

DateLabel DescriptionLocationCDLB
11/04/61Vigotone 9Carnegie Hall1LB-6631


Additional DescriptionQualityReferencesT#
8/1/71 - Bangladesh; Blood acetates sap;ch102


11Pretty Peggy-O 13
12In The Pines (Black Girl) 13
13Gospel Plow 13
141913 Massacre 13
15Backwater Blues 13
16A Long Time A-Growing 13
17Fixin' To Die 13
18Love Minus Zero/No Limit8/1/71149
19A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall8/1/71149
110Idiot Wind9/16/74169
111Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts9/16/74169